Singer Lena Park responds directly to Sung Si Kyung's gaffe... Sung Si Kyung in a ”cold sweat”
Singer Lena Park (Park Jong Hyun) performed "Tiki-taka" with Sung Si Kyung. On the 28th, SBS's "Sung Si Kyung with friends -
"Now, Today" features JY Park, Yoon Jong Shin, Lena Park, Kim Jong Seo, Baek Ji Yeong, Lee Je Hoon, Yang Hee Eun, and Cho Jang Hyo.
The lineup was super luxurious, including A.K.O. and others. Sung Si Kyung said, "She was the first diva I heard when I bought her CD. I wondered how she could sing like that."
It sounded like people like Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston were singing.
"It was a sensation, like a mix of East and West, like the food I've eaten is different," he said, introducing his fourth musical friend, Lena Park.
He talked about his experience working with Lena Park, saying, "When you write a song for a singer who is good at singing, you realize how much fun composing is."
Lena Park's "We Were Really Good," composed by Sung Si Kyung, was re-arranged for the show.
After finishing the stage, Sung Si Kyung asked Lena Park if she was safe, saying, "It's been a while. Have you seen me before?"
Lena Park said, "I tried a lot of new things this year and it was a good year," and added, "I'm here now.
Sung Si Kyung replied, "When I contacted everyone who appeared here, they all said 'yes' and answered right away. That makes me happy.
Everyone came out in a good mood," he said, expressing his gratitude.
Lina revealed that she readily accepted Sung Si Kyung's proposal.
Park also said, "This kind of opportunity is rare." At this, Sung Si Kyung laughed and said, "You speak very beautifully, but it doesn't sound like Korean."
Lena Park responded by saying, "You didn't hear me? Don't point that out. I'll try speaking in English and see how you feel." Sung Si Kyung responded by saying, "You're cute and adorable, so I'll
" " he said, breaking out into a cold sweat.
2024/12/29 07:47 KST
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