KBS, which produced the TV series ”Exclusive” starring Taecyeon (2PM) and Seohyun (SNSD), was eventually sued by Andong City for damaging cultural heritage while filming the TV series.
KBS was eventually charged by Andong City Hall for cultural heritage damage.

As a result of an interview with Herald POP on the 6th Janury, the Andong City Hall completed its request for charges to the Andong Police Station on the 3rd after confirming the extent of recovery of the cultural heritage. Since then, the police station has not communicated anything special about the status of the investigation and plans to proceed according to the police investigation procedures.

On the 30th December last year, the KBS drama ‘I Stole the Leader's First Time’ starring actors Seohyun (Girls' Generation) and Ok Tae-kyung (2PM) shocked the public when it was revealed that they had nailed seven places including the pillars of a building and dormitory in the Pyeongsan Seowon, which is on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. The fact that seven nails were driven into the pillars of the tower and dormitories in Pyongsan Seowon shocked the public.

This fact was made known on the 2nd through a statement on SNS by architect Min So-hong. Min So-hong visited Pyeongsan Seowon and directly witnessed the KBS film crew nailing the pillars to attach small objects. He angrily responded to his and some other citizens' protests by saying that the film crew had rather “received permission”.

In response, the National Heritage Agency told Herald POP that the conditions of the permit included the condition that the cultural heritage must not be damaged, but since it was a violation, Andong City, which gave the permit, is considering relevant measures.

KBS also belatedly began to recover from the situation, with KBS stating "Regardless of the reason for the situation that occurred at the site, KBS is aware of the seriousness of the situation and feels terrible. We are currently discussing the best way to accurately understand the situation and restore the situation" and "In relation to the situation at the time, the drama's staff members are checking the site with the Pyeongsang Seowon staff members and discussing the procedures for restoration. We also intend to actively discuss future measures to prevent recurrence and any additional damage that may occur."
2025/01/06 12:56 KST
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