In "Talk Group World Exploration Life," the Japanese Talk Group members and TAKUYA (CROSS GENE) set off for Toyama Prefecture and visited the Amahara City Seaside Park, known as the most beautiful beach in Japan.
While visiting the shore, we also enjoyed eating white shrimp, a Toyama Prefecture specialty. In particular, white shrimp can only be found in Toyama Prefecture, the only place where the Japanese government has permission to fish.
We also visited Toyama's most famous urban park, Fugan Canal Kansui Park.
At night, the bridge is illuminated with beautiful lights, making it a must-see spot for tourists.
It is said to be one of the famous light spots. After seeing the romantic night view, Lee Chan Won expressed his admiration, saying, "It would be a great place for a date."
2025/01/07 07:42 KST
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