Heavy sentence sought for man in his 20s for producing sexually exploitative material in South Korea
Prosecutors have sought a heavy sentence for a defendant in his 20s who is suspected of luring teenagers by promising them a YouTube account with a large number of subscribers and then producing sexually exploitative material.
The 13th Criminal Division of the Suwon District Court (Judge Park Jeong-ho) in South Korea indicted him on charges of violating the Child and Adolescent Sexual Protection Act (production and dissemination of sexual exploitative material).
The final hearing was held for Mr. A, a man in his 20s, who was accused of a crime. The prosecution asked the court to sentence Mr. A to 20 years in prison.
In his closing argument, Mr. A's lawyer said, "The defendant used his mobile phone to take the video himself.
"There is a lack of evidence that sexual exploitation material was being produced," Mr. A said in his final statement, adding that he was "innocent."
In July 2021, Mr. A posted a YouTube video saying, "I will give away my account with many subscribers for free," and contacted four people, including elementary school student B, who saw the video.
Recently, Mr. A was put on trial on suspicion of filming an exposed body video. Mr. A deceived Mr. B and others by saying, "I'll give you an account if you help me test a body temperature measuring app," and
The perpetrators allegedly installed a remote control app on the victim's smartphone. They also demanded that the victim's parents pay 100 million won (approximately 11 million yen) in order to release the footage.
It is also suspected that he attempted to extort money and valuables by threatening to "leak the photos," but failed. A's crime was reported to the Gyeonggi Nambu Metropolitan Police Agency by the guardian of the victim in 2022, and an investigation was launched.
Gradually, the truth came to light. Police then worked with the US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) to extradite Mr. A to South Korea in 2023 and handed the case over to prosecutors.
The verdict for Mr. A is scheduled to be handed down on the 12th of this month.
2025/02/05 21:40 KST
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