Four South Korean polling companies, Mbrain Public, KEI Stat Research, Korea Research, and Korea Research, conducted a survey of 18,000 South Koreans on the 3rd to 5th of this month.
According to the National Barrier Survey (NBS), conducted among 1,005 men and women aged 18 and over, 32% of respondents chose Lee as the most suitable person to be the next president.
In the NBS survey released this year, Lee recorded 31% in the second week of January, 28% in the third week of January, and 28% in the fourth week of January, which is 4 percentage points higher than the previous survey.
In second place was Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo with 12%, up from 13% in the third week of January and 14% in the fourth week of January.
Next was Seoul Mayor Oh Sehun with 8%, followed by Daegu Mayor Hong Jun-pyo with 9%.
Mayor Lee Myung-bak Jeong-il received 7% of the votes, followed by former ruling party leader Han Dong-hoon at 6%. Meanwhile, when asked "If the presidential election were held this year, which party candidate would you vote for?"
37% of respondents chose the Democratic Party of Korea. This was followed by the ruling People Power Party at 36%, the Fatherland Reform Party at 2%, the New Reform Party at 2%, and 21% who were undecided.
It was done.
2025/02/06 15:40 KST
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