The production launch of Genie TV's new original drama Riding Life was broadcast live online on the 25th. Jeon Hye-jin, Cho Min-soo, Jeon Jin-young, Jeon Seok-ho and director Kim Chul-gyu attended the event and exchanged stories about the work.
After seeing off her husband Lee Sung-kyun, Jeon Hye-jin stood in public for the first time in a year and, looking somewhat nervous, embarked on an introduction to the film and her character. She described her character, Jung Eun, as "a woman who is putting all her energy into raising her daughter, who is preparing for her seven-year-old exams, but who also has a fulfilling career at work", and as "someone who wants to do both things well but is struggling alone in a steep reality."
When asked why she chose this work and character, Jeon Hye-jin, who is meeting viewers for the first time in a year and eight months since ‘Nam Nam’, said, "I'm also very interested in education" and "for the story about the cram school district in Daechi-dong, I just had to pay attention."
Jung Hye-jin, who plays the role of Jung Eun, a marketer in the beauty industry and a "passionate working mother" who wants to keep up with her seven-year-old daughter's education, said that she is 70% in sync with her character. "I don't know if I'm as hot-blooded as Jung Eun", she said, laughing. She continued, "Jung Eun is also a mother, but I wanted to support and encourage the mother geeks, saying “you are doing the best you can."
Jung Hye-jin, who has been living the ‘riding life’ since her children were born, said, "When they were older, I took the bus to get there, but if the weather is bad, I still do some riding. I didn't have anything to be thankful for, but now I am indebted to him", referring to her current daily life.
After the production presentation, Jung Hye Jin said, "I feel special to be able to showcase the film in March, when the new school year starts. I hope you will put your children to bed and watch ‘Riding Life’, and I hope it will be a source of comfort, encouragement and fun", she said, smiling brightly.
This production presentation attracted attention because it was the first official occasion for Jung Hye-jin since she sent her husband, Lee Sung-kyun, away. However, she did not make any reference related to Lee Sung-kyun. Questions related to him in advance were not accepted. Unlike offline production presentations, where questions are asked in real time on site, the online production presentation was conducted in a way that the MC on site asked questions after receiving a question sheet in advance and organising it. It is believed that the characteristics of this familiarization method allowed them to concentrate solely on talking about the production.
Prior to this, Jeon Hye-jin was loved for her ‘Nam Nam’ on Genie TV, in which she expressed various stories of real-life mothers and daughters, the struggles of being a mother and the romance of being a woman who is not a mother. Jeon Hye-jin, who is returning once again with a Genie TV production, plans to portray a mother and a daughter in a realistic way this time as well. Just as in her previous work, Jeon Hye-jin shows a different side, and it is to be hoped that she will also succeed in becoming a hit through this production.
2025/02/25 19:00 KST
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