The accompanying photo shows G-DRAGON leaving a comment on Hong SukChun's SNS account saying, "Yes yes yes?!" G-DRAGON
ON once commented on a post written by Hong SukChun saying, "Please don't just appear in YOUNG JI's place, but in Treasure Box."
Hong SukChun continued, "I don't have to worry about appearing on Treasure Box, I just want to appear. I'm starting to practice the GD dance now.
I'm practicing wearing only a cart. It's not easy for a 54-year-old brother to imitate GD's fashion and singing, but he's always been my jewel, so I'll give it a try. I'm copying the blue hair.
"I can't do it, you know? My head is like this, so I can't even copy the hairstyle! It's a wig! When GD-sama appears in the jewelry box, I'll put on a blue wig and a skirt and try to copy him," said the chef.
Hong Suk Chun said without hesitation, "Make time quickly. Please accept it when you are following me. No one can get out of our jewelry box, Mikey Madison? Demi
Moore? Beyonce? IU? Kim GoEun? Jung Jihyon? They're all shy. They can't participate. I'll just give GD a chance, so please grab it.
Meanwhile, Hong Suk Chun has been active in various productions and recently appeared on the web variety show "Ho
Hong SukChun's Treasure Box is a hot topic that has been collected as a "handsome man collector." Hong SukChun's Treasure Box is a website that collects the best men among the men she follows on social media.
It is a program that offers and interviews artists.
2025/03/03 18:48 KST
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