Shim called on the illegal drug prosecutors to be more vigilant and take stricter measures against drug crimes.
At the "Prosecutor's Workshop," he emphasized that "the role that prosecutors must fulfill most faithfully in order to gain the public's trust is to protect the public from social crimes."
"This crime is the most serious problem in society. I urge you to do your best with pride for the health and safety of the people."
The workshop was attended by Noh Man-seok, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.
A total of 42 people participated in the meeting, including the head of the Department of Drugs and Organized Crime, senior officials from the agency, and 37 field prosecutors specializing in illegal drugs.
They shared their investigation techniques for tracking illegal drug trafficking crimes and discussed measures against medical narcotics and smuggling crimes. They also discussed systematic treatment programs according to the individual levels of addiction.
The agency also explored ways to improve the "Judicial-Treatment-Rehabilitation Collaboration Model," which combines drug use monitoring and drug use monitoring. According to the agency, 63.
The spread of illegal drugs, especially among young people, is a serious problem. Drug offenders under the age of 30 accounted for 50% of all offenders in 2020 for the first time (51.6%), and is expected to increase by 2025 between 2021 and 2023.
The rate rose from 59.6% to 59.9% last year, exceeding 60% for the first time. An agency official said, "The proliferation of drugs among young people, including teenagers, is a threat to the mental and physical health of those who will play leading roles in society in the future.
"This is a danger signal that our society's drug problems will become even more protracted in the future," he warned.
2025/03/05 07:44 KST
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