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Joo Jong Hyuk


  • Hangul: 주종혁
  • Birthdate: 1991/7/27 (age 33)
  • Height/Weight: 183cm/72kg

Joo Jong Hyuk (Korean: 주종혁) is an actor who rose to fame in the hit TV series "Lawyer Woo Young-woo is a Genius."
Born 27 July 1991. Height: 183cm. Weight: 72kg. Education: Auckland University of Technology.
Korea management office: BH Entertainment (as of 2022). 2015 short film "Nightmare".
Korean actor Joo Jong Hyuk is an actor who rose to fame through the hit TV series "Lawyer Woo Young Woo is a Genius."
He studied abroad in New Zealand and returned to Korea to enlist at the age of 21.

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