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Three... Extremes

Three... Extremes
  • English:Three... Extremes
  • Korean: 쓰리, 몬스터
  • Release Date: 2004/08/20
  • Duration: 124分
Three, Monster (Korean: 쓰리, 몬스터) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2004-08-20. The running time is 124 minutes.
A gorgeous and exciting collaboration of talents by young directors from Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong! .
Film director Ryu Ji-ho (Lee Byung Hun) is the creator.
It has received high praise and support. One day, a strange man greeted him. She was jealous of the blessed Ryu and appeared to destroy him. The child brought from somewhere and Ryu's wife Mi-ran (Kang)
The man who took Hye-jung hostage forces Ryu to make a terrible choice. No matter what he chooses, Ryu's life will never be the same. The man makes a frightening confession, and the dark side of Ryu's life is gradually exposed.
It was going to fade away. . The Korean version stars Lee Byung Hun, who is at the peak of his popularity! Also, pay attention to the performance of Kang HyeJeong, a young Korean actress who played well in "Old Boy." A night full of tension and madness
unfolds. It leaves an indescribable sense of creepiness and fear, and therefore an intensity. The Korean version of "Beautiful Night, Cruel Morning" is titled "Three Monsters."
