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Dead Man

Dead Man
  • English:Dead Man
  • Korean: 데드맨
  • Release Date: 2024/02/07
  • Duration: 108分
Deadman (Korean: 데드맨) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2024-02-07. The running time is 108 minutes.
Starring Cho Jin Woo Ng and Kim Heui Ae, the story of a man who suddenly becomes a "dead human"
A story of fighting to regain one's life. . The price of life is 5 million won! Is the price of a name 100 billion? Live by the name, die by the name!
At the precipice of life, Lee Man-jae (Cho Ji) has to sell his name in order to survive.
Nun). In the world of a company president that no one can trust, he has been able to survive for a long time due to his excellent calculation skills, but he seizes the perfect opportunity to turn his life around. But what came back to him was an EMBEZZLEMENT of 100 billion
False accusations and my own obituary! In other words, "Dead Man". Then political consultant Ms. Shim (Kim Heui Ae) appears in front of him and makes a dangerous proposal with her life as collateral... .
The Korean movie "Dead Man" is about an ace in the corporate world who makes money through his name, but is falsely accused of a 100 billion won EMBEZZLEMENT and ends up living as a "dead man."
The story is about a man who, after becoming a man, begins to track down criminals in order to regain the life that was taken away from him and the people he became involved with over his name. Actor Cho plays the role of Ace Lee Man-jae, an employee who makes money using his name.
・Played by JIN WOO N. Actress Kim Heui Ae will play the role of political consultant Ms. Shim. Actress Lee Soo Kyung will play the role of Gong Hee Joo, who lost her only family member and decides to take revenge.
Actress Choi Suyeong (SNSD) will play the role of a hipster who is a famous club MD and is a link in the company management world.

