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Missing 9

Missing 9
  • English:Missing 9
  • Korean:미씽나인
  • Original Network: MBC(2017)
  • Aired: 2017/01/18 - 2017/03/09
Missing Nine (Korean: 미씽나인) is a TV Series. Broadcast starts on 2017-01-18. The broadcast will end on 2017-03-09.
The broadcasting station is MBC (2017). A story that uncovers the whereabouts and hidden truth of nine people who disappeared in a plane crash. .
We will uncover the whereabouts and hidden truth of the nine people who disappeared in an unexpected plane crash... food and sleep
An unusual story of survival unfolds on a deserted island where everyone has to be self-sufficient. . Korean TV series "Missing Nine" reveals the whereabouts and hiding of the nine people who disappeared in the plane crash
A story that uncovers the truth. The Korean TV series ``Missing Nine'' is a story about uncovering the whereabouts and hidden truth of nine people who disappeared in a plane crash. Actor Jung Kyung-ho shows off his musical genius in the drama.
Beak JinHee will play the role of Seo Junho, who used to be an elite musician but has now become a celebrity just trying to make a living, and Ra Bonghee, Seo Junho's new stylist.
play. Bong Hee is the only survivor of the plane crash, a witness to all the incidents, and a key character in the TV series. Also, popular idol group "EXO" CHANYEOL (Chanyeol)
She will play the role of singer-songwriter Lee Yeol.

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