The stills cut of ASTRO's Cha EUN WOO from MBC's new Wednesday TV series ``Wonderful Days'' has been released for the first time. "Wonderful Days" scheduled to be broadcast in October in South Korea has a kiss
This is an unpredictable fantasy romance TV series about a woman who has been cursed to turn into a dog, and a man who is the only person who can break the curse but is not good with dogs.
In the TV series, Cha EUN WOO is a fellow teacher of Han Hae Na (Park GyuYoung), a man who became afraid of dogs due to childhood trauma.
I will be playing the role of Jin So Won. Jin So Won is a person who hides a sad trauma behind his handsome looks and cold charisma, but changes after an unexpected encounter.
vinegar. He has a rational and calm personality, but his only weakness is that he is afraid of dogs. ChaEUN WOO's appearance in the stills cut released on the 4th has a different charm than before.
Capture attention with your appearance. Dressed as a math teacher, he perfectly expresses the character of ``Jin Seo Won'' with his neat clothes and styling.
Also, in different cuts, he is staring somewhere with a meaningful gaze, which stimulates curiosity.
His smile and sharp expression maximize curiosity about the character, and Cha EUN WOO
Viewers are curious about what kind of appearance Jin Seo Won will be, which only she can play. “Wonderful Days” has a novel concept of turning into a dog when you kiss it.
It is based on the NAVER web comic that was loved by many readers for its solid story with many twists and turns.

By minmin 2023/09/04 13:54 KST