It is reported that VI failed on a double date in Bali. According to Dispatch's report, after VI went on a date with Mr. A and left Bali, Mr. B arrived in Bali and enjoyed the date.
It is said that he was How did I get caught? 1) VI used the exact same course for hotels, restaurants, beaches, cafes...!
2) Mr. A and Mr. B were friends on Instagram! The first person to notice was Mr. B, who saw Mr. A's Instagram story and realized that he was
She thought it was strange that the same places she had been to kept coming up one after another, so she asked Mr. A if she had gone to Bali with VI. <Summary>
9/1 VI announced his relationship with Mr. A to his foreign friends.
9/7 VI happens to meet Mr. B again for the first time in four years and invites him to dinner. Mr. A was also present. First time there
Mr. A and Mr. B meet. 9/21~25 VI went on a date with Mr. A in Bali 9/25~28 VI went on a date with Mr. B in Bali
9/29 Mr. A and Mr. B confirmed the suspicion that they had two partners.
By あいこ 2023/10/04 11:30 KST