DRAMA's official SNS posted, ``Overcoming the Suneun (Scholastic Aptitude Test) slump! 2024 University Scholastic Ability conveyed by Haneul and Jung Woo.
We have received messages of support for the power exam ~ Go for it to all the students who worked hard for just one day tomorrow! JTBC "Dr. Slump" Coming
Soon! A video was posted with the caption, ``. In the video, Park Sin Hye and Park Hyung Sik appear with peaceful visuals and say, ``2024 University Graduation''.
The proficiency test is just around the corner. Thank you to all the examinees who have worked so hard for just one day tomorrow. "Dr. Slump" will support you so that you can achieve the results you desire.
At the end, the two of them spoke in unison and expressed their powerful support, saying, ``To all the examinees, we're fighting.''
On the other hand, JTBC's new TV series "Dr. Slump" in which the two appear is only on the upward curve of life and is unstable.
This is a romantic comedy that depicts the failed lives of Yeo Jeong-woo (Park Hyung-sik) and Nam Ha-neul (Park Sin Hye), who undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
By chunchun 2023/11/15 23:36 KST