G-DRAGON of the group BIGBANG has released his appointment letter as a special professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).
G-DRAGON shared his recent status on the 5th. The accompanying photo shows that G-DRAGON has been appointed as a special professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST.
The letter of appointment is included with the certificate. KAIST believes this appointment is in order to integrate cutting-edge science and technology into Korean content and cultural industries and to expand the global competitiveness of Korean culture.
Meanwhile, G-DRAGON will be giving a special leadership lecture for undergraduate and graduate students. G-DRAGON said, "There are many scientific geniuses.
"I am honored to be a specially appointed professor at KAIST," he said, "The meeting of the best science and technology experts with my entertainment specialty has created a great synergy, a 'Big Bang.'
I hope that will happen," he said, revealing his feelings.
By chunchun 2024/06/06 23:51 KST