Actor Kim Woo Bin and actress Shin Min A were spotted on a date. On the 18th, an online community posted, "Kim Woo Bin is waiting for his girlfriend to go shopping.
The photo was posted with the title "Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min A, who have been together for 10 years, are seen enjoying shopping together.
Kim Woo Bin was seen standing next to Shin Min A as she picked out clothes, or sitting in front of the fitting room, looking at his smartphone while waiting for Shin Min A to finish shopping.
Although the two were wearing casual styles and masks, they caught the eye with their exceptional visuals and physical appearances.
Netizens who saw this commented, "Physically amazing," "Kim
"Woo Bin is just like me," "It's heartwarming to see them dating so beautifully," and other comments were posted. Meanwhile, Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min A officially admitted to their relationship in July 2015,
I've been in a long-term relationship for about 10 years.
By minmin 2024/06/19 09:13 KST