The highly anticipated film "Revolver" (directed by Oh Seung-wook), starring actress Jung Do Yeong, actor Ji Chang Wook, and actress Lim Jiyeon, is scheduled for release in Korea in August.
The movie "Revolver" is a crime thriller that tells the story of a former police officer "Soo-yeon" (Jung Do-Yeong) who takes the blame for all the crimes and goes to prison, but after his release, he goes straight for a single purpose.
Jung Do Yeong is working with director Oh Seung-wook and production company Sanai, with whom he worked together on the 2015 film "The Outlaws," which made it to the Cannes Film Festival.
Jung Do Yeong, who is currently performing in the play "The Cherry Orchard," will begin promoting the movie "Revolver" after the show ends on July 7.
By minmin 2024/06/19 18:09 KST