There has been an incident where unofficial photos of MIN-GYU from the group "SEVENTEEN" were leaked without permission.
On the 3rd, "KOREA" apologized through their official SNS for the leaking of unofficial photos of MIN-GYU.
"L'OCCITANE KOREA" said, "We recently discovered that unofficial photos related to the L'OCCITANE Asia Ambassador campaign were uploaded to the SNS accounts of our employees without permission.
We accept full responsibility and apologize for the incident that was posted on the site, without any excuses.
"We are taking this matter very seriously and would like to offer our sincere apologies to the artists and fans who have been hurt by this incident," the company said in a statement.
"L'OCCITANE KOREA" said, "We immediately removed the employee from all duties and implemented personnel measures (waiting for leave)."
To prevent such incidents from recurring, we will conduct regular training programs for all employees on the importance of copyright, portrait rights, publicity rights and privacy rights of brand ambassadors and artists.
"We will also adopt a comprehensive program to ensure that all employees thoroughly understand and adhere to this program," he added.
An employee of "Korea" posted dozens of private photos he owned on his social media account.
One of the photos showed MIN-GYU without his shirt on, which caused controversy.

By minmin 2024/09/03 20:46 KST