The film "You Are the Apple of My Eye," starring Jin Young (former B1A4) and Dahyun (TWICE), will hit theaters in late winter.
STUDIO announced on the 16th that the film "You Are the Apple of My Eye" will be released in Korea on February 21st.
"You Are the Apple of My Eye" is a remake of the Taiwanese film of the same name, in which a man confesses his feelings to Sun Ah.
The story depicts the first love of the innocent 18-year-old Jin Woo, who spent countless days together until his marriage. Jin Young plays the role of Jin Woo in his teens and twenties, when he loved nothing more than to play, and
The tough and strong-willed Sun Ah is played by Dahyun. This film was officially invited to the 29th Busan International Film Festival's Panorama section.
By minmin 2025/01/16 15:01 KST