Actor Park BoGum has released behind-the-scenes footage from his photo shoot. On the 16th, Park BoGum released a video titled "Park BoGum ELLE KOREA
The video, titled "BEHIND FILM," features Park BoGum dressed as a taekwondo fighter.
Park BoGum captures the attention of viewers by exuding a strong, masculine aura with his sincere and sharp gaze.
Netizens who saw this commented, "He's the best man in a gi!", "I can't wait to see Bo-gum in his TV series," and "As expected, Bo-gum heroes are so different."
"Wow! So cool, so cool," "Mr. Bo Gum is my one and only hero," and other comments were received.
Meanwhile, Park BoGum is currently working on a new TV series, "Hon
Park BoGum will meet the audience at the "39th GOLDEN DISC 2025" held in Fukuoka on January 4, 2025.
AWARDS" as a presenter.

By chunchun 2025/01/17 08:49 KST