故イ・ソンギュンさん捜査情報流出経緯、 仁川警察庁の要請で正式調査着手
Official investigation into the leak of information on the investigation into the late Lee Sun Kyun begins at the request of the Incheon Police Agency
Police have begun a formal investigation into the leak of investigative information related to the case of the late Lee Sun Kyun. On the 18th, the Gyeonggi Southern National Police Agency's anti-corruption and economic crime investigation team
(Incheon) An investigation has been launched after receiving the incident at the request of the National Police Agency. The Incheon Police Agency believes that it will be difficult to ensure fairness if it directly investigates the circumstances surrounding the leak of internal information, so it has ordered the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency to
It was reported that an investigation was requested on the 5th. Previously, actor Lee Sun Kyun, who had been investigated by the police on suspicion of drug use, was found dead on December 27th last year.
According to the police, a person related to the late Lee Sun Kyun's management office said at around 10:12 a.m. that day, ``Lee Sun Kyun left his wife a note that looked like a suicide note and left home.
I was able to contact him, but he hasn't returned yet. The car is gone, too," he called 112 (equivalent to Japan's 110 number). Police then said around 10:41 a.m.
Lee Sun Kyun was found collapsed in a vehicle parked near a building in Seongbuk-dong.
The deceased was placed in detention without detention on October 23 last year on suspicion of violating the drug control law, and was subject to three public summonses.
Despite receiving a negative result from a simple reagent test, a secondary detailed hair analysis, and a detailed test conducted after additional body hair collection, the patient stated, ``I did not know that (the medicine I received) was a drug.''
He made a statement and made it clear that he was disappointed. In response, the Cultural Artists Solidarity Conference (tentative name), formed mainly by cultural and arts-related organizations, said, ``A culture of facing the death of the late Lee Sun Kyun.''
He released a statement entitled "Artists' Demands," urging an investigation into the truth behind the leak of the investigation information. On the 15th, he visited the National Police Agency, KBS, and the National Assembly and handed over written statements.
2024/01/19 12:02 KST
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