Queues for early voting continue in Gyeonggi Province...Voters rush to the polls, creating crowds = South Korea
On the second and final day of early voting for the 22nd National Assembly elections, on the 6th, long lines of people were seen voting at 599 polling stations in Gyeonggi Province. Voters who visited the polling stations were asking, "What kind of person and political party will you be?"
At 6 a.m. on the 6th, Yonhap News visited the administrative welfare center in Seonong-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin City.
About 500 people came to vote between 1:00 and 8:30, which was more than the same time the previous day (about 300 people). One voter in his 30s who had already cast his vote said, "I decided to vote after seeing the party.
When I tried to vote, I found that the candidates had many negative aspects, and when I looked at the people and tried to vote, I didn't like the party, so I had a lot of worries. In fact, I was worried until just before voting, and I was worried about the fact that I had done a lot of work for my area.
"I carefully selected people who would do the right thing," said Lee (37), who lives in Banwol-dong, Hwaseong, who visited the early voting station with her 5-year-old child.
However, since it borders Yongin City, the Seonong-dong Administrative Welfare Center is closer, so I decided to visit it. There are early voting stations everywhere, so it's easy to access and it only takes a few minutes to cast your vote.
"I chose to vote early instead of voting in person," he explained.
Currently, about 1,000 voters have come to the site, nearly double the number at the same time the previous day. Most of the voters who came to the site were young people in their 30s and 40s.
A resident of Dongtan, Mr. Kang (39), who visited the early voting station with his child, said,
I came to the polling station with my child because I thought that if I was a child, I had to vote. There may be some voters who cannot vote on the day of the election due to circumstances, but the advance voting is being held for two days, including the weekend.
"I think it's really good because it will allow more votes to be cast," he emphasized. However, he expressed disappointment over the proportional representation ballot paper being longer than before, at 51.7 centimeters.
A surnamed Lim (47), who voted at the administrative welfare center in Yeongmu-dong, Chang'an-gu, Suwon, said, "The election official said, 'I'm going to vote for the proportional representation election.
I was told to fold the ballot paper twice, but I felt that the paper was too long. The party name, which should be in the 1st and 2nd symbols, was missing, and the name was missing from the 3rd symbol onwards.
"There were so many similar parties lined up, it was confusing," he said. Meanwhile, early voting stations in the Gyeonggi region are proceeding smoothly without any major incidents or accidents.
The voter turnout was recorded at 26.33%, with the national turnout rate being around 28.1%.
2024/04/06 20:57 KST
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