Traffic accident fatalities in 2023 to be lowest ever in South Korea
The Korean National Police Agency announced on the 11th that "the number of traffic accident fatalities in 2023 has been calculated to be 2,551, a 6.7% decrease from the previous year (2,735), marking the lowest number on record."
Since 2021, the number of deaths has been below 3,000 for three consecutive years, and compared to the highest number of deaths recorded in 1991 (13,429), this is a decrease of more than 81.0%.
It is one of just nine countries in the 38-nation OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) that have seen a drop in road fatalities of more than 80%.
However, the number of traffic fatalities has continued to decrease over the past five years, but
The number of fatalities and injuries has increased slightly since 2023 since the COVID-19 virus pandemic.
2024/04/12 08:14 KST
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