Lee Jun-seok, chairman of the New Reform Party, said, ”We will not give President Yoon Seok-yeol an 'image of cooperation' through a mere meeting” (South Korea)
Lee Jun-seok, the leader of the New Reform Party, said on the 15th, "President Yoon Seok-yeol has at least shown a positive attitude towards the Colonel Park Jung-hoon issue, and is currently entangled in the matter.
"Unless the thread that is tying the knot is unravelled, I have absolutely no intention of meeting with President Yoon," Lee Jun-seok said.
When asked about the possibility of meeting with President Yoon as the head of the opposition party, Lee said, "If Cho Kuk, the head of the Fatherland Reform Party, and Lee Jae Myung, the head of the Democratic Party, were to meet,
"Even if I have the opportunity to meet President Yoon, and even if I have the opportunity, I have no intention of giving President Yoon the impression of cooperation through a mere meeting," he said.
"When President Yoon clearly shows a change in his stance toward the wrongdoings he has made up to now and the things the public wants him to correct, I think cooperation between the ruling and opposition parties, or between the National Assembly and Yongsan, will be strengthened," he said.
This contrasts with the stance of Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung and Fatherland Reform Party leader Cho Kuk, who have called for a meeting with President Yoon.
In order to keep the government in check and get results, President Yoon is now meeting with the opposition party leaders to create an image of cooperation.
Lee Jun-seok also said of the ruling People's Power Party, "The People's Power leadership has also been very proactive in dealing with issues such as Colonel Park Jong-hoon and Soldier Choi.
"We must demand a different attitude from President San. To that end, the power of the people must show a completely different, positive attitude in the upcoming vote on the Choi Soldier Special Investigation Bill."
He added, "Cooperation cannot be achieved by just meeting, drinking tea, and talking. The pan-opposition camp believes that it is important to sometimes use coercive power to guide the president so that he follows the right path."
Lee Jun-seok also announced that he would not run for the next party chairman election to lead the New Reform Party. He said on the same day, "I will not run for the next party conference, but I will increase the party's strength and discover young talent."
"I will do my best to fulfill my role," he said, reaffirming his previous stance. "In order to show that the New Reform Party is different from other parties, the party constitution and rules state that we will not elect separate supreme committee members for women and youth.
"We will make thorough preparations to hold an unusual party convention, including these aspects," he said.
2024/04/15 21:02 KST
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