前与党トップ、総選挙の直前「尹大統領に “辞任”の意思を伝える」…「医学部増員」で “対立”か=韓国
Former ruling party leader ”informs President Yoon of his intention to resign” just before the general election... ”Conflict” over ”increasing medical school enrollment”? = South Korea
Han Dong-hoon, former head of emergency response for the ruling People Power Party, twice resigned from his post to President Yoon Seok-yeol earlier this month, just before the general election for the National Assembly (held on April 10).
It appears that there was a "conflict" over the issue of increasing the number of medical school students.
On the 24th, South Korean television station JTBC reported that a source close to former Chairman Han
The article quoted Han as saying, "On the 1st of this month, former Chairman Han conveyed his intention to 'resign' to the Presidential Office twice in one day." The same day, President Yoon was scheduled to address the nation on the issue of increasing the number of medical school students.
However, former chairman Han reportedly said, "I am calling for more flexibility in increasing the number of medical school students. If this is not accepted, I will resign."
However, Han's request was not accepted, and President Yoon said in a statement:
The university stuck to its previous position, saying, "Increasing the medical school's admission quota by 2,000 students is the minimum amount necessary to fulfill our constitutional responsibility to protect the lives and safety of the people and to respond to the rapid aging of the population."
In response to this, former Chairman Han again stated that he would "decline," according to testimony from people involved.
Meanwhile, it is unclear how the Presidential Office responded to Han's backlash.
However, Han did not resign and instead ran through the general election, eventually stepping down to take responsibility for the ruling party's defeat.
After the general election, Han declined an invitation to a luncheon with President Yoon for "health reasons."
This has once again sparked talk of a conflict between the two parties.
2024/04/25 17:09 KST
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