”Onion Man” New Party Leader Asks Main Opposition Party Leader to ”Convey the Will of the People in the General Election to the President” (South Korea)
Cho Kuk, the “Onion Man” and head of the Fatherland Reform Party, met with Lee Jae Myung, head of the main opposition Democratic Party, recently and said, “President Yoon Seok-yeol is a great man.
On the 29th, Cho revealed that he had asked Lee to convey the public's views on the general elections during his meeting with Lee.
In response to the question, "Was there any discussion about what should be discussed at the summit?", Cho said, "We did not discuss the details," but added, "Representative Lee
"I hope that when you meet with President Yoon in the future, you will convey the public's views on the general election as they are. Only then will President Yoon's tone in national politics change," he said.
Regarding the "joint meeting of all opposition parties" proposed by Chairman Cho the other day, "Since the Yoon-Ri talks are scheduled to be held, this proposal will be
"There may be cases in the future where a new joint meeting is necessary, but there is no need for it at the moment," he said.
"(I recently) said, 'Why don't we hold a joint meeting of all the opposition parties before the Yoon-Ri summit? Chairman Lee should meet with the other opposition party leaders, gather their opinions, and then hold a joint meeting of all the opposition parties.'
"I thought it would be good if I could meet with President Yoon as the representative of the opposition parties, but in reality I didn't have the time," he said. "However, I heard that Chairman Lee would meet with other opposition party leaders in the future to communicate with them."
I believe this will be accomplished in this way."
2024/04/29 17:03 KST
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