Democratic Party floor leader Park Chan-dae: ”The first bill of the 22nd National Assembly is to provide 250,000 won per citizen” - South Korea
Park Chan-dae, floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea (opposition party), said that if the 22nd National Assembly opens, the first bill to be passed is to provide 250,000 won (about 28,340 yen) per citizen for the restoration of public welfare.
The bill was recently proposed by Lee Jae-myung, chairman of the Democratic Party of Japan, to President Yoon Seok-yeol.
Park, the floor leader, made this remark while appearing on an MBC radio program on the 6th. He then proposed two special prosecutor bills, including the Kim Kun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, and
The government also reaffirmed its intention to reinstate eight bills on which President Yoon Seok-yeo exercised his veto (right to request reconsideration), including the three broadcasting bills, the Yellow Envelope Act (a revision to the Labor Union Act), the Grain Management Act, and the Nursing Act.
Park said, "We can prioritize the eight bills and resubmit them to the National Assembly, and if necessary, we can submit the entire bill as a package."
Regarding the ``Special Prosecutor's Act on Obstruction of the Investigation of Martyred Marines'' that was passed at the meeting, he said, ``We are watching closely to see whether the Presidential Office will exercise its veto.''
Prior to this, Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok recently announced a swift response to the allegations over Kim's wife Kim Kun-hee receiving designer bags.
Regarding this, Floor Leader Park said, "It's possible that the prosecution has suddenly come to its senses, but it's more likely that this is an attempt to appease public opinion in favor of an independent prosecutor. We should keep our eyes open and watch."
Regarding recent comments made by Hong Cheol-ho, the presidential chief of staff for political affairs, that President Yoon's acceptance of the special prosecutor bill could amount to 'dereliction of duty,' Park said, "(The remarks)
"In the negotiations for the composition of the 22nd National Assembly, the Democratic Party will not only secure the Legislation and Judiciary Committee and the Steering Committee, but also, depending on the situation, the Democratic Party may choose to appoint the Democratic Party to the Legislation and Judiciary Committee," Park said.
"We can also consider the idea of the party taking on all standing committee chair positions," he said. "Even at the inauguration of the 21st National Assembly, there was no agreement between the ruling and opposition parties, and the Democratic Party of Korea took over all standing committee positions.
"I have operated it before," he said.
2024/05/06 20:46 KST
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