US court orders confiscation of North Korean cryptocurrency accounts used for criminal purposes
A US court has ordered the confiscation of 279 cryptocurrency accounts in which North Korean hackers deposited their criminal gains, according to South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, citing the US Voice of America (Voice of America).
The report was made on the 10th, citing a broadcast by the TV station VOA. On the 8th, a US federal court granted the request for a default judgment by the federal prosecution regarding these accounts and made a decision to confiscate them.
According to VOA, the account was ultimately transferred to the US government's treasury in accordance with the ruling. In August 2020, US prosecutors announced that the funds, estimated to be the proceeds of crime from North Korean hackers, were
The US has filed a lawsuit to seize 280 cryptocurrency accounts, of which 279 have been confiscated. The US has been tracking the movement of cryptocurrency in North Korea since 2018 as a violation of sanctions against North Korea.
The media reported that they have pursued civil forfeiture lawsuits against anti-funds and have had them transferred to the national treasury.
2024/05/15 19:39 KST
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