This is how ”Wonderland” starring Park BoGum was born... Director Kim Tae Yeon: ”I was inspired by video calls”
The behind-the-scenes of the creation of "Wonderland" has been released. The movie "Wonderland" is about a man who reunites with his loved ones through a video chat service called "Wonderland" that uses artificial intelligence to revive the dead.
Director Kim Tae Yeon had a question about "Wonderland" during a video call he often uses, "Does the person on the other side of the screen really exist?"
"Sometimes I wonder if the people on the other side of my phone screen are real. If I believe that people who have passed away exist in another world, then...
"Wonderland" is a service that allows you to meet your loved ones again anytime, anywhere, based on the movie-like imagination of "Can these relationships continue?"
In addition, Professor Kim Dae-sik, a brain scientist, participated as an advisor and helped to perfect the worldview of "Wonderland" from the script stage.
Professor Kim Dae-sik said, "I was happy to be involved in the first film about AI made in Korea. I hope to create a film that will appropriately combine cinematic imagination and science and technology based on realistic AI technology within a few years."
"In order to match this, we divided the level into one that is actually possible and one that is not possible in reality but can be implemented in the movie," he said, adding, "The world in which we live together with AI has already begun. We will live in a changed world."
"I wanted to help the audience understand and adapt easily through the film." "Wonderland" will be released in Korea on June 5th.
2024/05/17 21:49 KST
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