South Korean ruling party lawmaker criticizes Moon Jae-in's memoir, saying he ”trusts North Korea's Kim Jong-un more than the U.S.”
Ahn Cheol-soo, a lawmaker from the ruling People Power Party, commented on former President Moon Jae-in's publication of his memoirs, "What former President Moon should write is not a memoir, but an apology."
On the 19th, Rep. Ahn wrote on social media, "It seems that former President Moon has more faith in North Korea and its leader Kim Jong Eun than he does in the United States.
"When I hear (former President Moon) say that the US-North Korea summit fell apart because of the US's lack of magnanimity, it makes me wonder which countries are our allies," he said.
He continued, "The North Korea policy of the Moon administration was a complete failure. During the inter-Korean summit, Kim said, 'We have no intention of using nuclear weapons,' and former President Moon fully believed these words.
"But North Korea has no intention of abandoning its nuclear program, and is laughing on the surface while secretly promoting its nuclear program to its own benefit," he wrote.
"The fact that they were only interested in making deals has already become clear," he said, emphasizing, "First of all, they must thoroughly reflect on their delusional North Korea policy that relied solely on the goodwill of the enemy."
2024/05/20 16:58 KST
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