SNSD (Girls' Generation) Seohyun supports China's ”Fubao Abuse Controversy” petition... supports with ”Like”
Seohyun, a member of the group SNSD (Girls' Generation), expressed her support for a petition calling for action to combat the mistreatment of the giant panda Fu Bao, who was returned to China, by liking the petition.
Recently, suspicions have arisen that Fu Bao, who left Korea for China, is being treated poorly there. In a photo that spread on Chinese social media, a mark was pressed on Fu Bao's neck.
The Chinese Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center responded by saying that the collar was probably put on the panda because traces of feeding and hair loss were found on the panda.
The center explained by posting a video of Fu Bao. The center said that recently, the hair on Fu Bao's neck had started to break off, and that related samples had been taken and tested, but no particular problems were found.
The Xinhua News Agency, which has been receiving a lot of attention, also introduced the Wolongshenshuping Base where Fubao is staying, and said that Fubao can communicate with the panda next to him.
However, on the 27th, the Chinese Embassy in Seoul reported that the deceased had been transferred to a childcare facility with a communication window and was adapting to group living.
They expressed their anger by sending a truck containing the message, "Explain the allegations of abuse against Fu Bao." Seohyun, who is well known as a fan of Fu Bao, wrote, "Save Fu Bao!
People "liked" social media posts encouraging a signature campaign to "make this a reality," sending their support and attracting attention.
2024/05/29 19:55 KST
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