「BTS」JUNG KOOK、「GOLDEN」がiTunesとApple Musicで200日超えのチャートイン快進撃…K-POPソロ初
BTS' JUNG KOOK's ”GOLDEN” has been on the iTunes and Apple Music charts for over 200 days... the first K-POP solo artist
"GOLDEN," the solo album released by BTS' JUNG KOOK in November last year, has been streaming for over 200 days and has been on major music streaming platforms.
"GOLDEN" continues its brilliant advance on the worldwide album charts of iTunes and Apple Music.
This marks the first time that an album by a K-pop solo artist has charted on both the US and Japan Music charts for over 200 days.
"GOLDEN" ranked first on the iTunes Worldwide Album Chart for 14 days and
It has been a huge hit since its release, topping the charts worldwide for three days.
It has continued to be a long-running hit ever since, reaching the number one spot on the iTunes album charts in a total of 96 countries and regions to date, an astonishing feat.
This achievement is a testament to JUNG KOOK's global popularity and musical talent, and he is expected to continue to captivate listeners around the world.

Jung Kook 'GOLDEN' Preview
Jung Kook 'GOLDEN' Preview

2024/06/01 10:32 KST
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