”There was a mutual trust issue,” says ADOR CEO Min Hee-jin as she proposes a settlement... What is HYBE's position?
With ADOR CEO Min Hee-jin taking a conciliatory attitude toward HYBE, attention is focused on what decision HYBE will make.
Min Hee-jin, CEO of HYBE, who was accused of usurping management rights, filed a lawsuit against the company on the 31st of last month, about a month after April.
On the same day, the company held a second emergency press conference. Prior to this, the court cited the application for a provisional disposition that Min Hee Jin had filed against HYBE to prohibit the exercise of voting rights, leading to the dismissal of CEO Min Hee Jin.
This was the opportunity for her to explain her position after overcoming the crisis. HYBE dismissed two internal directors from the CEO Min Hee-jin's side at the extraordinary shareholders' meeting and appointed Kim Ji-hyun, who was selected by HYBE.
Yoo Young was appointed CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer), Lee Jae Sang was appointed CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), and Lee Kyung Jun was appointed CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
Regarding his decision to keep his position as CEO, he said, "I feel relieved that I have been cleared of all accusations," but added that for the sake of the group "New Jeans," the two sides must move toward reconciliation.
CEO Min Hee-jin said, "The NewJeans team and I have a vision that we want to achieve, and we have drawn up a blueprint together, but there is no reason for dismissal.
"Despite this, it is extremely painful to think that such a vision exists. It would also be a huge loss for shareholders financially," he said, expressing his hope that a compromise could be reached with HYBE.
On the same day, Min Hee-jin also appeared on KBS's "News 9" to provide additional information. The atmosphere at the press conference was completely different from the first, which had become a hot topic due to her blunt insults and aggressive attitude.
In response to her complaint, she said, "The first press conference was held under difficult circumstances, and I had no choice but to proceed. Since yesterday's ruling was a victory, I can now ease the situation and take my position more lightly.
When asked what kind of settlement he could reach with HYBE, he said, "First, we need to win the lawsuit, and then we need to discuss the next step.
In any case, I think HYBE will respect the court's decision. Since the embezzlement, suspicions, and controversy have been resolved, I think there will naturally be other actions," he said. "In any case, the shareholders
For the sake of our fans, especially the members, and for everyone, we need to make a quick decision, so we have to put aside our emotions and think realistically.
What is their position on HYBE's claim that they tried to take NewJeans with them? CEO Min Hee-jin said, "No.
"As everyone knows, I own 18% of the shares and HYBE owns 80%. Under any circumstances, the decision will be made by HYBE.
Whatever I do, they will know everything, so the act of me trying to take them away is not valid."
"However, it is true that there was a problem with mutual trust," said CEO Min Hee-jin, who added, "I also feel betrayed by HYBE.
I think HYBE may have had similar feelings towards me. If it all started with me, it would be a question of who broke the trust first, so I tried to defend ADOR from that perspective.
Regarding the direction of NewJeans' activities, he said, "We have already started planning the first single in Japan on June 21 and the Tokyo Dome.
It looks like things will continue as I have been doing up until now, but other than that, I don't know how things will proceed from here on out. We held a board meeting this morning, and I don't know what will happen next.
I think we'll have to see how the situation develops." Attention is focused on how HYBE will respond to this.

[インタビュー] HYBEに対する“裏切り”、新しい理事会の構成、今後のNewJeansの活動展望まで…ミン・ヒジン代表が直々に明かす [9時のニュース] / KBS 2024.05.31.
[インタビュー] HYBEに対する“裏切り”、新しい理事会の構成、今後のNewJeansの活動展望まで…ミン・ヒジン代表が直々に明かす [9時のニュース] / KBS 2024.05.31.

2024/06/01 12:21 KST
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