White House: ”Concerned about escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula” ... ”Maintaining best possible posture to support South Korea”
On the 3rd (local time), the White House's National Security Council (NSC) announced that North Korea's provocations, such as sending dirty balloons toward South Korea and launching GPS jamming attacks, were serious.
"We are very concerned and closely monitoring the rising tensions (on the Korean Peninsula)," he said. John Kirby, NSC Strategic and Public Affairs Coordinator, said at a press conference that day, "South Korea is a treaty ally of the United States.
"The United States will maintain the best possible posture in terms of military capability and overall national power to support our ally, South Korea," he said.
"We are willing to meet with North Korea without preconditions to discuss the issue of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," he said.
"We have made it clear that we are open to proposals, but the Kim Jong Eun regime has so far not accepted these proposals."
"In return, North Korea has conducted ballistic missile tests and sent unnecessary missiles towards the South.
"They continue to engage in provocative behavior," he said, "which is a reminder of the importance of security and peace on the Korean Peninsula."
2024/06/04 07:59 KST
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