Park BoGum, ”I'm glad Byeon WooSeok is getting attention... 'Record of Youth' is like my brother's story, so I want to support him even more”
Actor Park BoGum congratulated Byeon WooSeok for his rise to stardom. Park BoGum co-starred with Byeon WooSeok in the tvNTV series "Record of Youth."
However, he is receiving a lot of love for "Run with Sungjae on Your Back." Meanwhile, "Record of Youth" is also attracting attention again. Byeon WooSeok will be appearing in Park BoGum's new movie "Wonderland"
During a recent interview at a cafe in Seoul's Jongno district, Park BoGum spoke about his special feelings for Byeon WooSeok.
On that day, Park BoGum said, "Byeon WooSeok told me that he was funny," and added, "He was really funny during the filming of 'Record of Youth.' He was so funny that there were a lot of NGs."
He added, "The story of 'Record of Youth' feels like Woo-seok hyung's, so I'll be cheering and congratulating him even more."
He also revealed, "I contacted him the day before yesterday and we talked about taking care of each other's health," and "I'm very glad that my brother is doing well."
Meanwhile, Park Bo-Gum's screen comeback "Wonderland" is a story about a man who reunites with his loved ones through a video chat service called "Wonderland" that uses artificial intelligence to revive the dead.
The film tells the story of a young man who is killed in a car crash and is scheduled to be released in Korea on the 5th.
2024/06/04 13:57 KST
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