韓国最大野党代表「対北送金事件は稀代の “でっちあげ事件”」…「メディアは ”検察の愛犬”」
South Korea's largest opposition party leader: ”The North Korean remittance case is a rare fabricated case”... ”The media is the prosecutors' lapdog”
Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, said, "The North Korean remittance case will eventually be revealed as a rare fabrication," and "The prosecution fabricated the case."
Lee made the remarks in front of reporters on the afternoon of the 14th while on his way to a trial on the Public Offices Election Act at the Seoul Central District Court.
On the 12th of this month, the prosecution again indicted Lee on charges of the so-called “Sanbangul to North Korea remittance.” In 2019, when Lee was the governor of Gyeonggi Province, he remitted money to the underwear manufacturer
-In exchange for supporting the major Sanbangul Group's North Korea-related business, Gyeonggi Province paid the $8 million (approximately 1.265 billion yen) it had promised to the North Korean side to the former chairman of Sanbangul Group.
In response, Lee said, "The prosecution, an organ of state power, is fabricating cases and providing false information. The media just writes articles without any explanation, so
"Even if the objective facts come out later, the media no longer shows any interest," he said. "The media is like the prosecution's lapdog, taking the information they're given and eagerly fabricating it."
"I hope the media will play its proper role," he said.
2024/06/14 17:31 KST
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