A wife (54 years old) was shocked by the prognosis that her husband (57 years old) had only a short time left to live and passed away before him due to broken heart syndrome (takotsubo cardiomyopathy).
The husband also passed away three days after his wife's death. The British daily newspaper "The Sun" reported on the 12th (local time) that "A British couple married for 10 years passed away on the 3rd.
The couple was so close that they called each other "Seoul Mates." However, in October 2023, the husband passed away after suffering from a groin tumor that had previously been affecting him.
The cancer had spread to his lungs and he was told he needed surgery. However, the medical team was unable to remove the cancer. In February of this year, he was also diagnosed with osteosarcoma.
The husband wanted radiation therapy, but the hospital told him that there was a risk that he would die before that could happen. With this shocking news, the wife lost her appetite and could not sleep.
Her husband's condition began to deteriorate in March, and his wife was by his side to care for him. Her daughter (29 years old) said, "My mother spent the whole time in the hospital room."
On April 4th, three days before her husband passed away, his wife called their daughter and said she was having trouble breathing, so her daughter rushed to the hospital.
However, by that time, his wife had already died of a heart attack. The cause of her death was "broken heart syndrome."
2024/06/14 17:40 KST
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