Japan and South Korea explore ”hydrogen cooperation”...Strengthening ”cooperation in clean hydrogen supply network”
Japan and South Korea, which are highly dependent on energy imports, have begun exploring ways to cooperate in the hydrogen field. On the 14th, South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held a press conference in Seoul together with 11 hydrogen-related organizations from both Japan and South Korea.
On the Korean side, H2KOREA, Korea Electric Power Corporation, Korea Oil Corporation, Gas Safety Corporation, Energy Economics Institute, and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation were present.
From the Japanese side, the Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A), the Clean Fuel Ammonia Association (CFAA), the Japan Oxygen and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEG), the High Pressure Gas Safety Association (KHK), and J
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (BIC) and other organizations attended the meeting. The meeting was held following an agreement at the Japan-Korea summit held in May this year to establish a new "Hydrogen Cooperation Dialogue" to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the hydrogen field.
Both Japan and South Korea agreed that cooperation between Japanese and South Korean companies is important to strengthen cooperation in the global clean hydrogen supply network and to expand the hydrogen economy ecosystem.
They also agreed to explore ways to expand cooperation in the private sector-led hydrogen supply network in both countries.
2024/06/15 08:06 KST
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