South Korea's Ministry of Unification meets with ”anti-North Korea leaflet group”... ”We have not requested that they refrain from distributing leaflets”
As tensions between the two Koreas rise, with North Korea sending "filthy balloons" into South Korea on the pretext of South Korea scattering anti-North Korea leaflets, South Korea's Ministry of Unification has begun meeting with anti-North Korea leaflet groups.
On the 14th, the South Korean Ministry of Unification met with a group distributing anti-North Korea leaflets at a location in Seoul. A Ministry of Unification official said, "It was a confidential meeting, so we cannot disclose the details of the meeting."
"It is not appropriate to clarify this," he said, "We will continue to hold interviews with one or two groups at a time." It was reported that the Ministry of Unification did not request "refraining from distributing anti-North Korea leaflets" during the interviews.
The group's representative, who attended the meeting with the Ministry of Unification on the same day, said in an interview with the South Korean news agency Yonhap News, "We do not want tensions on the Korean Peninsula to rise, so we will refrain from public activities.
"The Ministry of Unification did not make any special comments," he said. The resumption of loudspeaker broadcasts to the North in response to North Korea's "filthy balloon scattering" has raised concerns among residents of the North-South border area.
As concerns grow, some say that "the South Korean government cannot ban leaflet distribution, but it needs to request that they refrain from doing so and change their methods."
However, the South Korean government said it was "respecting the Constitutional Court's decision to 'guarantee freedom of expression' and is taking an approach regarding the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets."
They maintain their position that they cannot stop it.
2024/06/15 08:04 KST
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