South Korea's ruling party calls Lee Jae-myung ”the delusional words of a rare criminal”... ”an insult to the people that goes beyond the media”
The ruling party of South Korea, the People's Power Party, responded to the Democratic Party's Chairman Lee Jae-myung's comments to the media that he was a "pet dog of the prosecution" by saying, "This is the typical behavior of a criminal, and is a rare example of
On the 15th, the ruling party spokesman said in a commentary that, regarding Lee, who was indicted on charges of the so-called “Sanban-ul to North Korea remittances,” “Yesterday (14th), the media was
He even belittled him by calling him a 'pet dog of the prosecution' and showed signs of extreme anger. He said, "He is trying to smash the rule of law, tame the media, and use his power to avoid going to prison.
"If Lee's words are as they are, and the criminal charges against him are the result of a 'political prosecution fabrication,' he should have been openly investigated and tried," he said.
On the afternoon of the 14th, while attending a trial on the Public Offices Election Act at the Seoul Central District Court, Lee was confronted by the prosecutors, who had been investigating him.
Regarding the indictment on the charge of “Sanbangul to North Korea remittance,” he said, “It is a rare fabricated case” and “(The media) is not reporting the truth.”
Far from being scrupulous, they are falsifying the facts as if they were the prosecution's pet dog." In response to this, ruling party lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo posted on Facebook,
Now that the truth has come out, Lee seems to be afraid of going to prison. He has suddenly started lashing out at the media, and has not hesitated to call them "the prosecution's lapdog." "These are rare and unbelievable statements."
He added, "In the end, Lee's extraordinary remarks are not only an insult to the media, but also to the people and a denial of free democracy."
2024/06/15 16:54 KST
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