【公演レポ】イ・ジュンギ、全身全霊のパフォーマンスにファン大熱狂!(C)THE STAR PARTNER
[Concert Report] Fans go wild with Lee Jun Ki's heartfelt performance!
On June 14th, Lee Jun Ki's Fan Meeting "2024 LEE JOONGI SPLENDOR FAMILY DAY <LOVE
BLOSSOM” was held, where they enjoyed a special time with an energetic live performance and a talk corner where they could interact with fans.
The photoshoot took place in the lobby of the Pacifico Yokohama, an area decorated with celebratory flowers.
The audience was also full of energy, and just before the start of the show, they started clapping, eager to see Lee Jun Ki on stage.
As the start time approached, the fans couldn't wait any longer. The shouts of "Lee Jun Ki" and the clapping grew louder. Then, just as the start time passed, the auditorium went dark and the fans began to sing.
The meeting started! Amidst loud cheers, the opening video started playing, and the audience erupted in applause along with the lively music. Then, the crisp sound of the live band started.
As the sound echoed through the venue, Lee Jun Ki appeared from the center of the stage! The audience cheered loudly and everyone stood up, singing "Foolish!" with the dancers.
They performed "Love". They performed energetic dance moves to the intense rock sound.
Lee Jun Ki shouted in Japanese, "How are you feeling, Japanese fans? Everyone, scream!", further exciting the crowd.
When I told them to sing along, they sang the song "Tree of Mercy (JP)."
To the light rhythm, she walked from one end of the stage to the other, and sent a gentle smile to the audience as if to look at each fan individually. During the dance break, she performed a sharp rock dance.
He performed a macaco-like flip, and excited the audience with his light steps that would put any K-pop idol to shame. The excitement in the venue was at its peak by the second song. Amidst the thunderous cheers, Lee Jun Ki said,
It's crazy, it's crazy, it's hot from the opening," he said, moved by the fans' enthusiastic reaction. After catching his breath, he said, "2024 LEE JOONGI SPLENDOR
I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to everyone who has come to FAMILY DAY <LOVE BLOSSOM>. I am your actor, Lee Jun Ki. I look forward to working with you today.
" He greeted the fans, bowing deeply and saying, "I'm right here in front of you all. I really missed you all," and expressed his joy at being reunited with his fans.
Before going on to the next stage, they decided to check how loud the fans could shout. "One, two, three, shout!
"And now!" the fans responded with a loud voice, to which Jun-gi replied, "Actually, I was using earphones, so I thought everyone's voices were quieter than I thought, but when I took them off, everyone's voices were louder than I thought they would be.
"It was big after all," he said with satisfaction. When Jun-gi told the fully prepared fans, "You are my My Lady," the audience started singing "Ma
She performed "I love you, everyone," making a heart shape over her head and blowing kisses while singing sweetly. Next, she said, "Thank you for everything," and then, to the person she loves.
They sang "Thank You," a song filled with gratitude, and got the crowd excited with the danceable, groove-filled number.
The energetic stage performance was as exciting as an idol concert, filling the venue with excitement.
After that, the concert took a break and there was a talk time where the fans could interact with each other. Jun-gi had left the stage, but when the fans called out "Jun-gi!", he said "Yes!" and ran back in.
When asked by the host how he felt at the moment, he said, "As always, I'm very happy. I'm glad to have something like this happen again.
I've thought for about 10 years now that it would last that long, but even now I'm still receiving so much love and warmth, it's hard to believe."
Lee Jun Ki also held a fan meeting in Seoul in May. After the fan meeting,
He said that he went to Indonesia to shoot a new album. He said, "I went to Bali to shoot a new album as a gift to my fans, and it was a very healing experience for me.
Opportunities are given to us by our fans. I feel like it's all thanks to you that I can feel relaxed while filming and doing what I love in such a wonderful place.
I was able to feel everyone's love and I'm grateful to everyone." He said. He was talking about Bali, but the word Bali is also used in Kansai dialect.
Joon Gi realized that he had been in a bad mood. The host explained that the word "bari" is not used often, so Joon Gi was worried that "bari" had a bad meaning.
He suddenly went down to the audience to confirm with the fans who had come in. He slipped into the gaps in the audience and confirmed to the fans that it was a word that could be used in the same way as "mecha" (extra), and Jin was relieved.
Yoongi greeted the audience in a proper Kansai dialect, saying "Thank you," before entering the stage. There was also a moment when fans were surprised by a sudden event.
After the exciting Kansai dialect lesson, we will be sharing some special photos taken in Bali.
When the photo of him wearing a shirt with a large opening in the middle of lush greenery was shown, fans went wild. When asked about the location, he said, "It was a resort in the middle of nature.
"The photos were taken in a wonderful location where you can enjoy sightseeing and take photos. The photos are filled with the masculine beauty and healing that emerges from nature."
In addition to the photos, he also released a video of himself walking along the beach. When asked about the beach shoot, he said, "I went overseas to Bali.
"There were a lot of tourists there, so it was difficult to take pictures. So, one of our staff happened to come across a quiet place while passing by," he said, revealing the secrets of the shoot.
When it was announced that the album would be released at the end of October, fans were excited. After the talk time, the live performance started again!
Joon Gi asks his fans, "Do you still have the energy to play?"
The fans were also in high spirits, shouting "Yay!". Then, when the line "When is our time?" was asked, the fans shouted "Now!" in a loud voice, and the engines of the group started to rev.
Yoongi said, "Okay, let's go!" and performed "Now". With a fantastic electro sound, he sang with the desire to remember this moment forever, and the next electric
He also performed the Rodan song "Can't be slow" energetically, heating up the venue in an instant. When Jun-gi disappeared from the stage,
A powerful sound reverberated, and smoke was released onto the stage as the video for the TV series "Arthdal Chronicles: Sword of Aramun" was played. Then, Joon Gi appeared from the center of the stage, and the video for the TV series "Arthdal Chronicles: Sword of Aramun" was played.
He sang the OST song "Chosen One" with great enthusiasm. He raised his fist to the sky and sang with great passion. The OST of the masterpiece that Lee Jun Ki starred in continues.
"Fate" by T, "For You" from the TV series "Scarlet Heart Ryeo" OST, "In my heart" from the TV series "Flowers of Evil" OST
She performed ballads such as "Heart" and "I'm Yours." Her delicate yet powerful singing voice captivated the fans.
After enjoying Jun-gi's singing voice, the talk corner started, where fans responded to letters sent in beforehand. First, there was time for questions, and Jun-gi asked, "When you wash your hair, do you use a shampoo?"
When asked, "Do you wash your dog's head from the top, the back, the sides, where do you start?", he was surprised and said, "Why do you want to know?" but he replied, "Put shampoo on the top of the dog's head and swirl it with both hands.
"I wash it quickly, rinse it off and it's done," he said, revealing that he still has the habit of finishing things quickly from his time in the military. He then asked, "If you were to switch places with Lee Jun Ki's pet dog Gabi, what would you want from your owner?"
In response to this unique question, she answered seriously, "I think I would say let's run all the way along the Hangang River. After running, I think I'd ask for some delicious snacks," making fans laugh.
In the section where they asked fans who had chosen in a preliminary survey for their requests, they were asked to "confess their love while holding a bouquet of flowers and being a little embarrassed," to which she replied in Kansai dialect, "Su, su, I love you."
Confession. In response to the request to "show us three cute expressions," Joon Gi showed off a wide variety of cute expressions, including cat ears, finger hearts, and blowing kisses, and fans were thrilled by his cute expressions.
When asked to "show us some sword fighting skills," he performed a sword dance accompanied by an aggressive band sound, thrilling the fans.
Fans and Lee Jun Ki act out situations posted by fans
There was also a skit section. The first one was about a fan who dozed off on the train and ended up leaning on the man sitting next to her (Lee Jun Ki). He was called out to apologetically,
The video reads, "He smiles and forgives me for leaning on him." With romantic background music playing, the setting is that the fan is on a train and leans on Lee Jun Ki's shoulder. Jun Ki then smiles and forgives the fan.
He apologetically gently presses the top of N's head with his index finger. However, the fan is engrossed in his role and does not wake up. He presses his head again with his index finger, then presses the top of the fan's ear.
When he got close to the former and said, "I'm sorry," a scream could be heard from the venue. The fan was surprised that Jun-gi's face was so close to him, and when he apologized, Jun-gi replied, "It's okay. I'm tired.
The skit ended with an ad-lib in Japanese, "You're right, aren't you?" The skit continued with exciting situations that excited both the performers and the viewers, and the second person said, "In the rain, I'm holding an umbrella.
While waiting for the traffic light to change, a man (Lee Jun Ki) suddenly appears with an umbrella and asks, 'Is it okay to go that far?' and they cross the crosswalk together."
Joon Gi decided on the setting of "finding the person he has a crush on and going under their umbrella" and then performed the skit.
Joon Gi showed off a detailed performance in which he found the person he had a crush on holding an umbrella just as it started to rain. He then dashed into the umbrella of the person he had a crush on and...
The excitement was like watching a scene from a movie, and everyone in the venue was in a state of excitement. Even though it wasn't actually raining, it felt like we were getting a little wet, and the fans watching
He completely immerses himself in the situation. Then, he ad-libs the lines in Japanese, "Do you have time? Let's go on a date," and runs across the street with his arm around the fan's shoulder.
The skit ended with Lee Jun Ki walking across the bridge. Fans who saw Lee Jun Ki's performance in person were impressed by his ability to create scenes that looked like real TV series or movies using simple props such as a chair and an umbrella.
The fans were sure to be drawn to his charm. At the end of the talk corner, three people were selected from the fan letters sent to Joon Gi, who read them in Japanese.
The letter read, "Thanks to Lee Jun Ki, I can be positive," "Even when I'm going through a tough time, I feel cheerful when I think of Jun Ki's acting and performance," and "I was born
Thank you for coming and for the wonderful time," Jun-ki was touched by the words. Looking back on the time he spent with his fans, he said, "Thank you for all your support.
"I received a lot of great love. Thank you very much," she said. In order to repay the great love from her fans, Lee Joo entertained the fans with songs and dances in the second half of the event.
"It's difficult, but I'll do my best," he said, and performed "Lemon" by Kenshi Yonezu, which he had prepared for the day. He then sang "Kimi ga Iru Dake de" by Kome Kome Club, and the audience
He got down to the stage and got up close and personal with the fans! As he walked slowly down the aisle and greeted the fans, Joon Gi's sincere desire to spend as much time as possible with them was apparent.
Finally, they returned to the stage and sang "Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana" by "SMAP," and the venue was filled with bright smiles. Time passed quickly, and the group was sad to say goodbye.
Yoongi said, "It's really a pity. I want to keep doing talk shows. When I do, I'll try to learn all the dialects in Japan (laughs)." He continued, "It's really a pity to spend time with you all like this.
When I do this, I get a lot of energy from everyone and I can charge up my energy. With this energy, I can run forward, looking only at the front.
So I know everyone is worried, but if you can wait just a little longer, I would like to get even busier with my activities."
And then I said, "Our song."
us (JP)" with melodious strumming of electric guitar
After delivering a refreshing voice to the song, she left the stage. As the credits rolled on the large screen and the fans waited for an encore, the credits suddenly started playing in reverse, and the words "
The words "Artist Lee Jun Ki" were displayed on the screen. Then the Asia tour was announced. In the hall filled with joy, Lee Jun Ki appeared in a sparkling black suit.
When Ngi appeared, she performed JUNG KOOK's "Standing Next to You" with a stand microphone.
He performed a sharp dance with the dancers, and the audience was thrilled. After the performance, he said, "I think the work will probably be released in the second half of the year. In the meantime, I don't want to play around.
I was thinking about making time for myself, and then I received suggestions from various places, and I was able to achieve it in many countries. Please spread this good news far and wide.
"We'll be able to meet everyone before the concert starts, so it'll be great for those who are looking forward to the concert and those who are looking forward to the fan meeting. Let's have fun," he said, raising expectations for the Asia tour.
The dance performance of PSY's "That That" began with a shout of "Let's play until the end!". The dancers performed with such vigor that they exhausted all their remaining energy.
As he danced and encouraged the fans to "scream, everyone!", the excitement in the venue soared. During the final encore song, "Together (JP)," the fans shouted "Hey!" and raised their hands to the sky.
After exhausting himself, Jun-gi collapses on the stage, but shows a refreshing smile as if he has done it all and says, "I'll be there anytime."
I love you," and ended with the words, "Until now, I have been your actor Lee Jun Ki," bringing the approximately three-hour event to a close in a frenzy. <Setlist>
"Foolish love" "Tree of Compassion (JP)" "Ma lady (JP)" "Thank You" "Now" "Can't be slow"
"Arthdal Chronicles: Sword of Aramun" OST "Chosen One" Movie "The King and the Clown" OST "Fate"
TV Series "Scarlet Heart Ryeo" OST "For You"
TV Series "Flowers of Evil" OST "In my heart" Kenshi Yonezu "Lemon" Kome Kome Club "Just because you're here"
SMAP "One and Only Flower in the World" "For us (JP)" JUNG KOOK "Standing Next to You"
PSY "That That" "Together (JP)"
2024/06/19 15:12 KST
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