South Korean ruling party lawmaker also calls former first lady ”someone who uses state funds like her own pocket money” in lawsuit
In South Korea, the prosecution has launched an investigation into allegations that Kim Jung-sook, the wife of former President Moon Jae-in, made a business trip to India's Taj Mahal, while the ruling party
Rep. Bae Hyun-jin of the People Power Party has spoken out about Mrs. Kim again. In a statement on the 19th, Rep. Bae said, "The time for the truth is approaching. I have made public the information I disclosed during the parliamentary audit.
"The documents from government ministries and agencies will be actively used in the prosecution's thorough investigation," he said. "As an elected public official receiving a salary, I have been doing my duty by using the nation's money for my own purposes," Rep. Bae said.
"We will root out those who spend it like it's pocket money," she said. On the 17th, Kim filed a lawsuit against Rep. Bae, who had raised allegations against her for "luxury in-flight meals."
Regarding this, Yoon Geon-young, a lawmaker from the Democratic Party (former ruling party), said on the same day, "Rep. Bae has been
"They have continued to spread false information and seriously damaged Kim's reputation," he said. Rep. Bae also raised allegations that Kim had "self-invited" her when she visited India in 2018 and that she was "super-gorgeous."
This has caused controversy, raising allegations such as "flowery in-flight meals."
2024/06/19 16:58 KST
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