【全文】“AVにデビューしてほしい?”「cignature」ジウォン側、セクハラ論議に事務所コメント「事前に編集を共有…問題はない」=「ノーバック タク・ジェフン」
[Full text] ”Do you want me to debut in AV?” ”Cignature” Jiwon's side comments on sexual harassment controversy, ”Edits shared in advance... there's no problem” = ”No backlash” Tak Jae Hoon
Jiwon of the group Cignature stated that she has no problem with the sexual harassment controversy surrounding No Back Tak Jae Hoon.
On the 21st, C9 Entertainment said, "In relation to the controversy that arose over the 'Tanaka & Ogura Yuna' episode, we had a long discussion with Jiwon on the day of the episode's release.
"We had a serious discussion about the matter," they said, adding, "Jiwon is doing her best to film in accordance with the no-back broadcast concept, and there are no emotional issues."
Prior to this, "No Back Tak Jae Hoon" was released on the 19th, and Japanese AV actress Yuna Ogura and Tanaka (Kim KyoungWook) appeared. Yuna Ogura
He said to Cignature's Jiwon, "You have a great figure, so I hope you'll make your debut," and the footage was spread through online communities, sparking controversy over sexual harassment.
As the controversy spread, No Back Tak Jae Hoon issued an official apology. Full text of the official statement from C9 Entertainment, the management office of Cignature: Hello.
This is C9 Entertainment. In relation to the controversy that arose over the "Tanaka & Ogura Yuna" episode, we had a lengthy and serious discussion with Jiwon on the day of the episode's release.
Jiwon was able to do her best with the concept of the no-back broadcast and had no emotional issues. During the filming, Tak Jae Hoon and Shin Gyu Jin were both very shy about the content.
He said that there could be problems, and that the production team had shared the edited version in advance, but in order to be faithful to his role on the Noback channel, he had objections to what was broadcast.
We will continue to communicate fully with the production staff of No Back and will continue to announce that our artist Jiwon will not be appearing as a member of the No Back group.
I look forward to him fulfilling his role with dignity as a member of the group "Tak Jae Hoon."
As she is shouldering the heavy responsibility of a channel that is loved by many people, we will be watching over her with a generous heart so that she too will be loved.
We ask that you continue to show interest in Cignature's future activities.

2024/06/22 11:27 KST
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