トイレに行ったきり戻ってこない生徒…「出席扱いしない」に “凶器”で騒動=韓国
A student who went to the toilet and never came back... ”Not counted as present” - Affair = Korea with ”lethal weapon”
Education authorities have launched an investigation after a student at a middle school in Gwangju, South Korea, caused a disturbance with a weapon.
According to the Gwangju Metropolitan Education Office on the 1st, at around 3 p.m. on the 27th of last month,
In a junior high school, a third-year student, A, caused a disturbance with a weapon and was immediately subdued by teachers and other students. At that time, during class, Student A said, "I'm going to the toilet," and never returned to the classroom.
The teacher told the student that he would not be considered present, so he grabbed a weapon and started a commotion. Fortunately, no one was injured and the school did not call the police.
The school took measures to isolate Student A, such as having him study at home and giving the teacher five days of special leave. The Education Bureau held a committee to protect the rights of teachers and provided psychological counseling and legal support to the teacher.
On the other hand, the plan is to designate Student A as a special student and to transfer him to a special school or special class.
2024/07/02 08:08 KST
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