”Allied with Japan?” ”Have you gone mad?” - A pandemonium in the South Korean parliament's questioning of the government
The plenary session of the South Korean National Assembly, which was held on the 2nd to question the government on political, diplomatic, and security issues, was adjourned due to heckling and screaming by ruling and opposition party lawmakers.
On that day's issue, Kim Byung-soo, a lawmaker from the main opposition Democratic Party, said in the middle of a questioning session with the government, "The lazy ruling party (People Power) lawmakers laughing here are not the party's argument.
"I am concerned that the strengthening of the ROK-US-Japan military exercises may lead to a ROK-US-Japan alliance," Rep. Kim said.
"How can we ally ourselves with a country that has ambitions for the Islets (Dokdo, known in Japanese as Takeshima)?" he continued, criticizing, "Are you crazy to ally yourself with Japan?"
In response to this remark, ruling party lawmakers shouted, "Are you telling the people and lawmakers, 'Are you out of your mind?'" and demanded an apology from Rep. Kim, saying, "We cannot proceed with the meeting without an apology."
The moderator, National Assembly Vice Speaker Joo Ho-young, asked Kim to apologize for his harsh remarks, but Kim refused.
Afterwards, more than 20 members of the ruling and opposition parties ran onto the stage, heckling and screaming at each other.
The hall was filled with voices from the ruling party calling for an apology, and the opposition party shouting, "Why are they forcing us to apologize?"
A chaotic scene ensued, with ruling party lawmakers all storming out of the chamber.
2024/07/03 08:09 KST
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