China ignores international court ruling and asserts ”sovereignty” over the islands... US, EU, Japan and Australia urge ”comply with ruling”
Despite the ruling from the International Permanent Court of Arbitration, China continues to claim that "much of the South China Sea is its territory," and the United States, Japan, the European Union, and others have joined in criticizing China.
On the 12th (local time), the EU issued a statement saying, "All parties in the South China Sea territorial disputes must respect the 2016 ruling by the International Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)."
The statement criticized China for sparking an international dispute by still dissatisfied with the PCA's ruling that gave the Philippines the military advantage in the Philippines-China dispute.
The EU said the 2016 ruling is "legally binding on the parties to the proceedings" and "essential for maintaining and strengthening peace and security."
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also issued a statement saying he was "deeply concerned about China's actions in the disputed waters."
"We demand that China abide by the 2016 ruling and cease its dangerous and destabilizing actions," the statement said. "The attacks on Philippine ships and military personnel are an example of China violating international law and the Philippines' territorial integrity."
This is a blatant disregard for the safety and livelihood of the Philippine people,” they said. The EU and US statements were released on the eighth anniversary of the July 12, 2016 final ruling.
In addition to the 27 EU member states and the United States, Japan, Australia and others have also called on China to comply with the ruling.
Meanwhile, China responded to the EU statement by saying, "The 2016 ruling is political in nature.
"It's a farce," he said, claiming that "the Philippines has fallen into a trap set by the United States and Western countries and become a tool of anti-China countries."
2024/07/13 21:43 KST
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