Following the assassination attempt on former US President Trump, South Korea also strengthens security for VIPs, with frequent attacks on politicians occurring in the country
Following the shooting of former President Trump at a rally in the run-up to the US presidential election, the South Korean National Police Agency also instructed its VIP security forces to further strengthen their protection of VIPs.
Lee Jae-myung, leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Korea, was attacked and injured by a man with a knife while visiting Busan in the south. There have been other incidents of attacks on important figures in the past.
With just four months to go until the US presidential election, this incident, which targeted a former president during his election campaign, shocked the world. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating the case as an attempted assassination of Trump.
The investigation is ongoing, but there is growing criticism of the Secret Service, which failed to prevent the shooting. The suspect was 120 to 150 meters from where Trump was speaking.
The shot was fired from a rifle on the roof of a building some distance away. The location of the shot was not a key security target, allowing the suspect to approach. Experts and others have criticized the security forces for their failure.
It was also revealed that local police had contacted the suspect just before the incident. In response to the incident, President Biden announced that he would reconsider the security measures, while the Secret Service
"The Security Forces acted swiftly at the scene during the incident, including a sniper team who neutralised the shooter and protective measures to ensure Trump's safety," Suh said.
In response to the incident, the South Korean government released a statement on the 14th, expressing its stance that it strongly condemns any form of political violence, and further stated, "We offer our condolences to the American people who were shocked by this incident.
The Korean people stand with the American people." President Yoon Seok-yeol also posted on his Twitter account on the same day, "I cannot help but be shocked by the terrible political violence. Former President Trump
In South Korea, there have been incidents of party leaders and other important figures being attacked in the past. In 2006, Park Geun-hye, who was then the leader of the main opposition Grand National Party, was assassinated.
While President Park Geun-hye was giving a speech in support of the local elections in Seoul, she was attacked by a man. Park was stabbed with a box cutter and suffered serious injuries that required about 60 stitches on her right cheek. Park will be running for president in 2022.
In March 2018, a crowd hurled bottles of soju at him in front of his private residence in the southeastern city of Daegu. He was protected by the quick response of a dozen or so security guards and no one was injured.
In March 2022, Song Young-gil, who was then the head of the Democratic Party of Korea, was hit in the head with a blunt object by a man while campaigning ahead of the presidential election.
In January of this year, a series of attacks on politicians occurred, causing widespread shock. On January 2nd, Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, the largest opposition party in South Korea, was attacked in the southern
In Busan, Lee was attacked by a man armed with what appeared to be a knife. After inspecting the construction site of a new airport, he was being interviewed by a group of reporters when a man pretending to be a supporter approached him and cut his left neck.
The man was stabbed in the area. Lee was injured in the neck and was hospitalized for about a week. The man was arrested on the spot and later indicted on charges of attempted murder and violation of the Public Offices Election Act. The man said that his motive for the crime was "to
He confessed that he had done so to prevent the Democratic Party from winning a large number of seats in the general election and increasing the possibility that Lee would become the next president. On the 5th of this month, the man's sentencing hearing was held at the Busan District Court, and the district court sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
(The prosecution had called for a 20-year prison sentence.) Also, on January 25th, about three weeks after this incident, ruling party People Power Party lawmaker Bae Hyun Jin was attacked by a 15-year-old boy on the street in Seoul.
Bae was hit multiple times in the head with a stone and was temporarily hospitalized. The National Police Agency has strengthened security for important figures such as members of the National Assembly in response to a series of incidents targeting politicians.
In response to the shooting of former President Trump, the Korean National Police Agency has once again strengthened its protection for VIPs.
The agency announced that it will strengthen security and safety activities and conduct on-site inspections from the 15th to the 19th for VIP-dedicated security units and city and provincial security units.
He instructed officers to analyze recent cases both at home and abroad and to strengthen training that takes into account the characteristics of each location and mission.
In the midst of this, a post teasing terrorism against People Power Party candidate Han Dong-hoon has been posted on an internet community.
Han was appointed as the head of the People Power Party and emergency response committee chairman in December last year, but resigned in order to take responsibility for the party's crushing defeat in the general election in April.
" He is running for the party leadership election to be held this month. According to South Korean media, the police have launched an investigation and are taking protective measures against Han.
2024/07/17 13:21 KST
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