Kim Hyun Joo (SS501 leader), despite the rainy season destroying his fields, has a dream of ”delivering” corn... ”I developed a dish for my fans to eat”
Singer Kim Hyun Joo (Leader, SS501) revealed her delivery plan while working on the corn farm. On the 24th, she posted on her YouTube channel "KIM HYUN
JOONG.official" posted a video titled "I'm trying my best... Maybe?" In the video, Kim Hyun Joo is seen struggling with her torso pain, which has worsened due to the rainy season.
She watched as the village chief came to clean up the rice paddy field. As the chief drove the stakes into the ground, Kim Hyun Joo asked impatiently, "Will the plant not fall over even if we drive the stakes into the ground?"
The village chief criticized, "Think before you speak." Kim Hyun Joo calmly replied, "If we had done that, it wouldn't have been a disaster." However, due to poor pile driving,
The village chief himself stepped forward and started weeding. The village chief's wife started weeding for Kim Hyun Joo. Thanks to the village chief who looked after the field as if it were his own, Kim Hyun Joo was able to grow a lot of vegetables.
The village chief said, "In the current situation, we can plant soritae (black beans) and perilla. It is difficult to manage Chinese cabbage for making kimchi. If we plant soritae, two or three will come out.
But it's not good because of the Korani (Kibanoro). We have to protect this place every day. The thing the Korani hates the most is perilla. So I don't mind starving myself for perilla."
Kim Hyun Joo said, "We managed to get things under control and planted a tomato plant. If the corn grows well, we will make a sauce from the tomato plant. I actually drew the big picture. The village chief's
I own half of the corn in the house. I'm starting now," he said, showing his enthusiasm. After that, Kim Hyun Joo went to a restaurant. Kim Hyun Joo came to meet the restaurant's chef.
I found out later that he was a friend of Kim Hyun Joo's, and had been developing a corn menu and was waiting for Kim Hyun Joo's corn.
Kim Hyun Joo said, "I showed you how to grow corn, and the corn is almost done. Let's cook with this corn.
I wanted to give it to my fans. My friend told me that he had developed a new dish using corn. I asked him to sell the amount of corn at the counter. Korean beef corn stir fry
He said he made a pancake made with corn. He grew a huge amount of corn so he's delivering it. I hope his fans will come here and try the food made with his corn."
Kim Hyun Joo said he would plan the delivery after tasting the corn dish. Kim Hyun Joo expressed his expectations for the dish, saying, "I'm very open about taste."
2024/07/24 19:24 KST
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