≪韓国ドラマNOW≫「悪い記憶の消しゴム~My Memories~」9話、チン・セヨンがジェジュンにときめく=視聴率0.3%、あらすじ・ネタバレ
<Korean TV Series NOW> ”My Memories” EP9, Jin Se Yeon falls for JAEJUNG = Viewership rating 0.3%, Synopsis/Spoiler
*This article contains spoilers and synopsis. MBN TV Series "Eraser of Bad Memories ~My
In the episode 9 of "Memories" (viewership rating: 0.3%), Juyeon (Jin Se Yeon)
The scene shows her crush on Juyeon (Kim Jaejung). Gun asked Juyeon, "Do you know the details of my accident?" Juyeon was worried about Gun's sudden pain, but Gun was not worried.
Instead of ignoring the question, he cried, "Why are they all asking me this? Is there something I shouldn't remember?" In the end, Gun said, "What are they all hiding?
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he said, bursting out in frustration. Juyeon said, "For your sake," and lied, saying she had nothing to hide. Gun had a brain scan, and Juyeon met with Professor Dong-chil (
Kim Kwang Kyu, "It seems like everything is my fault." The next night, Juyeon bought Geun some jelly, which he had loved since childhood, and they drank together.
The moment I opened it, Geun and Juyeon put their mouths on the bubbles that spewed out, and the sudden skinship unfolded, making my heart flutter. After that, I fell asleep on the sofa without even realizing it.
Juyeon is surprised to see Geun's face in front of her, but says to herself, "He's handsome," and without realizing it, her hand touches Geun's cheek. She panics when she sees Geun suddenly awake.
I quickly slapped him on the cheek.
2024/09/03 15:27 KST
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